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Party Firefox!!!

Posted on October 25th, 2006 in Computer Science, Diverse, Spectacolul lumii, Radeti. Sau nu. by Andrei

De pe E-utile am aflat urmatoarele:

Party Firefox, vineri, 27 oct, Piata Universitatii, ora 20.00

In detaliu, vom primi:

Parties with 20 or so registered guests will receive free Firefox 2.0 T-shirts. Parties with approximately 50 guests will receive larger gifts such as bags, hats, and umbrellas, and parties with hundreds of guests will get all of the stuff, plus a “guest appearance” by a Mozilla developer.

Pentru inscrierea la party, mergeti la acest link. Dupa inregistrare, puteti sa mai aflati detalii direct de pe

Suntem deja 20, putem fi 50 :)

Later edit:
Promovati si voi, anuntati, sa speram ca iese ceva interesant, frumos si productiv :)

Later-later edit:
NU, nu eu organizez asta! Sunt si eu participant ca oricare altul!

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